Denture Care Center

Whether you’re missing a few teeth or all of them, we have you covered. At the Inland Northwest Dental Group in Spokane, WA, our contracted dentists are able to install whatever kind of denture you need to take care of filling in your gaps and improving the functioning of your teeth as well as the health of your mouth.

If you already have dentures, but they’ve been there a while, here are some signs you may need new dentures. Do your dentures:

  • Click when you’re talking?
  • Slip when you’re eating?
  • No longer fit your dental profile?
  • Look old and worn down?
  • Smell bad no matter how well you clean them?

If you responded yes to one or more of the questions, then it is probably time to get new ones. If you don’t replace ill-fitting dentures right away, they might become a threat to your dental health. Bad dentures can be the cause of tooth decay and might cause chronic injury to your gums, making your mouth vulnerable to many infections.

A Convenient Solution

Dentures, also known as “false teeth,” have been around to replace missing teeth for more than a thousand years. Once shaped from wood, today’s dentures are composed of nylon, metal, or plastic. Dentists place them over the gums to fight the possible complications brought on by missing teeth.

If you are missing some teeth and nothing is filling up space where they once stood, your neighboring teeth may shift down and change their angles. The resulting crooked teeth can give you problems with speech and eating, but most importantly, they can be challenging to clean and will expose your gums infections and your teeth to decay.

What Kind of Dentures Do I Need?

Full Traditional Dentures

Dentures can be complete or partial. A complete, or full, denture is a prosthetic appliance, generally removable, that replaces all the teeth within a jaw (this can be either the top, the bottom, or both). Your gum tissue supports it.

Traditionally, complete dentures replaced all the teeth in your mouth. They are necessary in situations when a person faces excessive tooth decay or when people lose teeth as part of the aging process. If the teeth have not fallen out naturally, a dentist must first extract them, and then the dentures can be installed 8-12 weeks later after the gums ave healed.

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures the ones that dentists design specifically for your needs—generally when you only have a few teeth missing. Our dentists will always try to save as many natural teeth as they can. Partial dentures are removable and very convenient to use.

Immediate Dentures

Immediate dentures are placed right away after a tooth has been extracted. Your dentist will need to determine if you’re a good candidate for them.

Get Affordable Dentures from the Best

At Inland Northwest, we understand the anxiety that might come from having dental procedures. A hint of irritation might occur as your mouth gets used to the new dentures, but it will fade away in no time.

To learn more about dentures, call us at 509-381-5634 in Spokane, WA, to find out which dentures might be right for you.

Dentures in Spokane WA

  • Give us a call to learn more about our denture procedures, we offer several different options and types.

  • We have a simple and straightforward full and partial denture process.

  • Dental insurance can make the entire procedure much more affordable, contact us to discuss prices and our process.

  • Dr. Puri is a trusted local denture expert and she will explain all of your options in detail during the initial exam.

  • If you have problems with your current dentures, we can help repair, fix or restore them

  • We provide the best denture care in the Spokane County area, we are top rated based on Google reviews


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